“Thank You For Voting” Exhibit Launch Party – Town of Frisco
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Frisco Historic Park Gazebo

Event Info

A Talk, Live Music, Food, and Mocktails

Join us as we unveil the Frisco Historic Park & Museum’s newest exhibit, “Thank You For Voting: Women Seize Frisco’s Government.” There will be a short talk about the exhibit with Museum Manager, Rose Gorrell, followed by a reception in the Historic Park Gazebo with live music from Mud Season and food from Chimayo. In honor of the 1916 Colorado prohibition, mocktails from Unintoxicated Nightlife will be served.

The Story of the New Exhibit “Thank You for Voting: Women Seize Frisco’s Government”

“Thank You for Voting: Women Seize Frisco’s Government” examines the 1916 town election, which resulted in Frisco’s first woman as mayor and six women on the board of trustees. The previous town government officials had abandoned their positions, failing to meet for several years. These seven women organized an election, were voted into office, and rebuilt Frisco’s government. The exhibit will examine the build-up to 1916, the results of their terms in political office, and the lived experiences of these remarkable women.

This exhibit has been in the works for two years as staff dug into the archives and collections to pull out the stories of these incredible women. There is still much to be learned about how women shaped Frisco’s development into the 21st century. How these women felt about their milestone role in Frisco’s government is still unclear. Several of their obituaries do not mention their position on the Frisco board or any other government roles. We have no written documents from these women, so we are limited to expressing gratitude and admiration for their results.

Thank You to Our Community

Our work would not be possible without the community’s generosity and our Town Council’s continual support of the Museum’s mission to provide high-quality educational experiences.


Saturday, June 24, 2023


Historic Park Gazebo
120 East Main Street
Frisco, CO 80443

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